April 24, 2024 3:45 am

The Strange and Unusual Health History of the Yellow Star Apple


The Strange and Unusual Health History of the Yellow Star Apple


While most people will go their entire lives without ever hearing of the yellow star apple, they may find that it’s not as obscure as they once thought. 

In fact, it’s quite easy to find information about this strange fruit if you know where to look, and there are even a few sites out there dedicated solely to the yellow star apple! 

While some blogs and websites talk about the yellow star apple’s potential benefits for humans, other sites have much darker things to say about this fruit that grows in warm, tropical climates around the world.

The yellow star apple, or Chrysophyllum cainito, (also known as the golden star apple), originates from the Dominican Republic and was spread throughout the Caribbean during the colonization by the Spanish Empire in the 16th century. 

Though it can be found throughout the tropics and subtropics, it’s most abundant in areas such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica, though there are some trees still left in the Dominican Republic and Haiti as well. 

In recent years, the yellow star apple has spread to many countries in the world and can even be grown at home, but in this post, we will just be exposing its many health benefits and characteristics that you never knew of.


Where did the yellow star apple come from?

The star apple is not a native fruit to North America, but it’s grown as an exotic fruit in tropical regions like India, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Hawaii. 

Its name is derived from a star-shaped flange on the outside. 

Eating too many may cause mouth irritation in sensitive people due to the amount of oxalic acid they contain. 

Yellow star apples are also commonly found in Cuban street markets. 

Cuban cuisine may use yellow star apples to make guava marmalade for sandwiches or drinks. 

It can be used as one ingredient in many dishes, such as salsas, desserts, and salads. Other uses include making syrup out of the fruit and adding it to cocktails like mojitos, pina coladas, or margaritas for flavor. 

The unique taste adds a wonderful aroma that’s often used in liqueurs such as Tia Maria. Yellow star apples can be eaten raw or baked into pies and tarts.


Where the yellow star apple can be found.

Yellow star apples are native to eastern India, where they grow in damp rainforests. 

They can also be found in Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Nepal, and Bangladesh. 

They are a common ingredient in Southeast Asian cuisine because they are easy to find and inexpensive, though they have been declining due to deforestation and neglect. 

In recent years, it has spread to many countries , including Spain, Argentina, Cuba, and Mexico. 

In some parts of Africa (like Ghana), yellow star apples are eaten on New Year’s Day as an omen for prosperity and abundance in the coming year. 

It is often cooked into stews or used to make pies or other desserts. 

The people who live near Mt. Kilimanjaro enjoy eating yellow star apples during the dry season when other food sources are scarce. 

One of the most interesting things about this fruit is that it’s actually an edible flower! 

It starts out green with a little yellow tint, but turns bright orange and purple as it ripens. 

There are not many vitamins or minerals present in the fruit; its nutritional value mostly comes from its low calorie count and natural sugar content.


Yellow star apples taste like bananas.

From what I’ve seen in my research, yellow star apples are a wild variety that cannot be found in any conventional stores. 

They grow on trees and have red flowers with white petals. I saw several reports indicating they taste like bananas. 

To me, they tasted like pineapples, however. Regardless of how you describe their flavor, you can enjoy eating this type of apple in many different ways. 

One common way is to slice them up and eat them as-is or to dip them in honey for a sweet treat. 

You could also peel them, cut them into pieces, and cook them with other fruit or put them over ice cream for dessert.


High in vitamin C.

This yellow star apple is full of vitamin C. It has about 10 times as much vitamin C as a red apple. 

According to WebMD, vitamin C will give you a boost of energy and can help ward off colds and sickness. 

If you’re wondering how much this nutrient actually has an effect on your body, one study found that adults who got 300 mg per day reduced their risk of stroke by 16% compared to those who didn’t take any supplements at all.

So next time you’re feeling unwell, try adding some more vitamin C from this fruit into your diet!


It fights bacterial growth.

Yellow star apples are a rich source of phenolic compounds, such as anthocyanins and flavonols. 

The antibacterial effects have been associated with inhibiting bacterial growth, reducing pathogens’ ability to adhere to epithelial cells, inhibiting protease production by certain bacteria, removing or reducing microbial biofilms, and improving antimicrobial activity in some cases against Staphylococcus aureus and other foodborne pathogens by enhancing protein synthesis. 

There is not enough research available to show that they can cure infections, but there is evidence suggesting they may help prevent them from occurring. 

Eating yellow star apples does not require peeling, and eating them raw is one way to increase their levels of phenolic compounds.


It promotes oral health.

The yellow star apple is a small, sour fruit that many children eat without realizing how acidic it is. 

In fact, their teeth can be severely eroded by the fruit’s high acidity level. 

Fortunately, regular brushing in addition to a healthy diet can lessen any negative effects on your tooth enamel from eating this deliciously yellow fruit. 

Surprisingly, some mothers use star apples as baby teething aids. 

They are also a good source of vitamin C for strengthening one’s immune system against infectious diseases like malaria. 

In order to achieve maximum flavor and nutritional benefits, it is best to eat them raw because cooking will diminish their potency due to the loss of water content. 

These fruits promote oral health with their tartness; the “mothers” who eat them with babies need to cook them first so they don’t dissolve the baby’s teeth.


Boosts energy

The Star Apple has a pretty outlandish history. 

It is often considered to be a sacred fruit by many native cultures, and some say that if you eat it while fasting, it will give you amazing energy. 

The yellow star apple is often eaten fresh but can also be dried or boiled in order to preserve it. It’s typically only found in tropical climates like Costa Rica, where it’s harvested year-round. 

It boosts energy by giving you the power to jump higher, run faster, and stay awake for longer periods of time. 

While this may sound strange to most people, those who are living with HIV find relief from these symptoms when they consume star apples. 

In fact, many AIDS patients have been encouraged to follow a strict diet as a way to manage their symptoms (that includes plenty of fruit), but there is still no cure for HIV/AIDS digestion.


It relieves pain from arthritic joints.

There are many different health benefits associated with star apples. 

One study, published in 2012, found that people who ate a lot of raw star apples had fewer instances of arthritic joint pain than those who didn’t. 

The yellow star apple is mostly eaten in Eastern Asia. 

In addition to being good for arthritis sufferers, it’s also said to be great for anyone suffering from high blood pressure or high cholesterol. 

It can also help relieve cold symptoms by boosting the immune system and inhibiting coughing. 

Another one of its more unusual effects is on hair loss; an extract from the yellow star apple was shown to promote hair growth on laboratory mice in one scientific study.


It stimulates digestion.

In spite of its yellow colouring, the yellow star apple is actually a white fruit with a high water content that’s often boiled or steamed to be used as an ingredient in cooking. 

Research has shown that this fruit can stimulate digestion and alleviate constipation, gas, abdominal pain, colic symptoms, and diarrhea. 

In addition to promoting digestive health, yellow star apple has also been found to decrease inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. 

What’s more, it contains low levels of oxalates, which may protect against kidney stones. Oxalates are compounds made of oxygen and carbon that form crystals in the body when combined with calcium, magnesium, potassium, or sodium. 

These crystals form into small pebbles known as kidney stones that get stuck in the urinary tract or bladder. 

Reducing these substances can help prevent them from forming. 

The consumption of fruits like the yellow star apple, spinach, green beans, and okra has been linked to lower rates of oxalate absorption. 

The researchers recommend eating at least one cup of greens per day for people who want to reduce their risk of developing kidney stones.


It enhances athletic performance.

A common misconception about star apples is that they are poisonous. 

Contrary to popular belief, these strange fruits are actually quite good for you, providing an excellent source of potassium. 

The fruit also contains a fair amount of fiber and protein, making it an ideal snack for those trying to lose weight or stay healthy in general. 

It is best to eat them whole with the seeds intact, as cutting them up can lead to bacterial contamination. 

Finally, if eaten regularly, this rare fruit can help improve athletic performance. 

For centuries now, Central American communities have been eating star apples before physical activities such as running long distances or cycling on difficult terrain. 

Research has shown that eating one fruit before exercise enhances endurance by over 10%. 

It’s important to note, however, that while eating a yellow star apple before working out might make your workout easier, exercising while hungry could potentially have negative effects on your body’s metabolism.


In conclusion,

Despite all of these unusual qualities, the yellow star apple is indeed a fruit that can be enjoyed by many people as part of a balanced diet. 

And for those who are interested in growing their own, it is worth noting that it’s more difficult to find this tree than its more famous cousin, but an online search will turn up plant nurseries that stock yellow star apples for those who are interested. 

It also bears mentioning that there are other edible varieties of starfruit-white, red, and pink-but the taste varies depending on the variety. 

As always, consumers should consult with a doctor before beginning any new dietary routine or regimen.


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