April 23, 2024 3:28 pm

Understanding the Brain, Emotions, Feelings


Emotions as a term came into use in the English language in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The thing we all ordinarily call emotions differ from one another along several dimensions.For example ,some emotions are Occurrences (Panic), and others are Dispositions (hostility),some are Short-Lived(grief) while others could involve Primitive Cognitive Processing which has to do with (Fear), some are Conscious while others are Unconscious. But to a very great extent Emotions are the Critical Part Of Our Lives .

When we hear the word Emotions most of us think of Love,Hate, Happiness or Fear, those strong feelings we get towards a situation in life.! Well yes!,that is true because our emotions are the driving force behind behind many of our behavior’s and feelings both helpful and unhelpful.There are like the matrix of feeling in our body, they are both rich and complex but most of all “they are triggered by the Emotional Brain”.

Let’s talk about the Brain.     

Our brain though is required to look for threats or reward and either of them when detected by the Feeling region of the brain, it transmits chemical messages to the to us through the Emotional Brain,so therefore we see that our emotions are the effect of the chemical messages traveling from our brain through the body. It is often noted that ‘the Emotional part of our brain kicks in before the Logical Part(thinking part) of our brain’, sometime the reaction of the emotional brain to a situation are so strong that it dominates our behavior’s and we are unable to think rationally.

The Rationality of our emotions are of two types;

  1. Cognitive rationality: Which concerns with consistency between Current beliefs and detained information.
  2. Strategic rationality: Describes action orientation from a utilitarian point of view, therefore it is perceived as anti-social and morally undesirable.

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