April 27, 2024 1:26 pm

Advertise with Trentimes

Create an official Advertisement page for your item or brand.

(String) A unique name that identifies the block (without namespace).
Note: A block name can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and dashes, and must begin with a letter.

(String) (Optional) This is a short description for your block.

(String) Blocks are grouped into categories to help users browse and discover them. The core provided categories are [ common | formatting | layout | widgets | embed ]. Plugins and Themes can also register custom block categories.

(Array) (Optional) An array of search terms to help user discover the block while searching.
One line for each keyword. ie:


(Array) (Optional) An array of post types to restrict this block type to.

(String) (Optional) The display mode for your block. Available settings are “auto”, “preview” and “edit”. Defaults to “preview”.

auto: Preview is shown by default but changes to edit form when block is selected.
preview: Preview is always shown. Edit form appears in sidebar when block is selected.
edit: Edit form is always shown.

Note. When in “preview” or “edit” modes, an icon will appear in the block toolbar to toggle between modes.

(String) (Optional) The default block alignment. Available settings are “left”, “center”, “right”, “wide” and “full”. Defaults to an empty string.

Simple: Specify a Dashicons class or SVG path
Colors: Specify colors & Dashicons class

(String) (Optional) An icon property can be specified to make it easier to identify a block. These can be any of WordPress’ Dashicons, or a custom svg element.

Specifying a background color to appear with the icon e.g.: in the inserter.

Specifying a color for the icon (optional: if not set, a readable color will be automatically defined)

Specifying a dashicon for the block

(String) The path to a template file used to render the block HTML. This can either be a relative path to a file within the active theme or a full path to any file.

(Callable) (Optional) Instead of providing a render_template, a callback function name may be specified to output the block’s HTML.

(String) (Optional) The url to a .css file to be enqueued whenever your block is displayed (front-end and back-end).

(String) (Optional) The url to a .js file to be enqueued whenever your block is displayed (front-end and back-end).

(Callable) (Optional) A callback function that runs whenever your block is displayed (front-end and back-end) and enqueues scripts and/or styles.

This property adds block controls which allow the user to change the block’s alignment. Defaults to true. Set to false to hide the alignment toolbar. Set to an array of specific alignment names to customize the toolbar.

Set to an array of specific alignment names to customize the toolbar.
One line for each name. ie:


Enable inner block feature. Defaults to false.

Set the "xy" position of content using a 3×3 matrix grid. Defaults to false.

Specifies the default attribute value.

This property allows the user to toggle between edit and preview modes via a button. Defaults to true.

This property allows the block to be added multiple times. Defaults to true.

The unique form slug

Render & map fields of the following field groups

Add actions on form submission
No field groups are currently mapped

Click the "Add action" button below to start creating your layout
0 Custom action

Set a unique action slug.

0 Email action
0 Option action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Fill inputs with values

0 Post action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Click to initialize TinyMCE

Fill inputs with values

0 Redirect action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

The URL to redirect to. See "Cheatsheet" tab for all available template tags.

0 Term action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Click to initialize TinyMCE

Fill inputs with values

0 User action

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Click to initialize TinyMCE

Fill inputs with values

Set a unique action slug.

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Fill inputs with values

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Fill inputs with values

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

The URL to redirect to. See "Cheatsheet" tab for all available template tags.

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Fill inputs with values

(Optional) Target this action using hooks.

Fill inputs with values

Apply field groups locations rules for front-end display

Whether or not to create a <form> element

Form class and id


Add class to all fields

wrapper class
input class
wrapper class
input class

Whether or not to create a form submit button. Defaults to true

The text displayed on the submit button

HTML used to render the submit button.

HTML used to render the submit button loading spinner.

Whether to include a hidden input field to capture non human form submission. Defaults to true.

Whether or not to sanitize all $_POST data with the wp_kses_post() function. Defaults to true.

Whether to use the WP uploader or a basic input for image and file fields. Defaults to 'wp' Choices of 'wp' or 'basic'.

Determines element used to wrap a field. Defaults to 'div'

Determines where field labels are places in relation to fields. Defaults to 'top'.
Choices of 'top' (Above fields) or 'left' (Beside fields)

Determines where field instructions are places in relation to fields. Defaults to 'label'.
Choices of 'label' (Below labels) or 'field' (Below fields)

Override the native field groups HTML render

Extra HTML to add before the fields

Render your own customized HTML.

Field groups may be included using {field_group:group_key}
{field_group:Group title}

Fields may be included using {field:field_key}

Extra HTML to add after the fields

Hide the general error message: "Validation failed. 1 field requires attention"

Hide the successful notice when an error has been thrown

Do not prompt user on page refresh

Choose where to display field errors

Add class to error message

Hide form on successful submission

A message displayed above the form after being redirected. See "Cheatsheet" tab for all available template tags.

HTML used to render the updated message.
If used, you have to include the following code %s to print the actual "Success message" above.

Retrieve user input from the current form

{field:field_5e5c07b6dfae9} User input
{field:my_field} User input
{field:my_field:false} User input (unformatted)

Retrieve all user inputs from the current form

{fields} My text: User input

My textarea: User input

My date: 2020-03-01

Retrieve ACF field value from database

{get_field:my_field} DB value (current post)
{get_field:my_field:current} DB value (current post)
{get_field:my_field:128} DB value (post:128)
{get_field:my_field:128:false} DB value (post:128 - unformatted)

Retrieve option value from database

{get_option:my_option} DB value
{get_option:my_option_array:key} DB value

Retrieve $_REQUEST value

{request:name} $_REQUEST['name']
{request:name:key} $_REQUEST['name']['key']

Retrieve query var values. Can be used to get data from previous action

{query_var:name} value
{query_var:name:key} Array value

Retrieve current Dynamic Form data

{form} 11
{form:ID} 11
{form:title} Form
{form:name} form
{form:custom_key} Custom key value

Retrieve actions output

Last Post Action
{action:post:ID} 128
{action:post:post_title} Title
{action:post:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=128&action=edit
{action:post:permalink} https://trentimes.com/my-post
{action:post:post_author} 1
{action:post:post_author_data:user_login} login
{action:post:post_author_data:permalink} https://trentimes.com/author/johndoe
See {post} for all available tags

Post Action Named my-post
{action:my-post:ID} 128
{action:my-post:post_title} Title
{action:my-post:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=128&action=edit
{action:my-post:permalink} https://trentimes.com/my-post
{action:my-post:post_author} 1
{action:my-post:post_author_data:user_login} login
{action:my-post:post_author_data:permalink} https://trentimes.com/author/johndoe
See {post} for all available tags

Retrieve actions output

Last Term Action
{action:term:ID} 23
{action:term:post_title} Term
{action:term:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/term.php?tag_ID=23
{action:term:permalink} https://trentimes.com/taxonomy/term
See {term} for all available tags

Term Action Named my-term
{action:my-term:ID} 23
{action:my-term:post_title} Term
{action:my-term:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/term.php?tag_ID=23
{action:my-term:permalink} https://trentimes.com/taxonomy/term
See {term} for all available tags

Retrieve actions output

Last User Action
{action:user:ID} 1
{action:user:user_login} login
{action:user:user_email} [email protected]
{action:user:user_url} https://www.website.com
{action:user:permalink} https://trentimes.com/author/johndoe
See {user} for all available tags

User Action Named my-user
{action:my-user:ID} 1
{action:my-user:user_login} login
{action:my-user:user_email} [email protected]
{action:my-user:user_url} https://www.website.com
{action:my-user:permalink} https://trentimes.com/author/johndoe
See {user} for all available tags

Retrieve actions output

Last Email Action
{action:email:from} Contact
{action:email:to} [email protected]
{action:email:reply_to} [email protected]
{action:email:cc} [email protected]
{action:email:bcc} [email protected]
{action:email:subject} Subject
{action:email:content} Content

Email Action Named my-email
{action:my-email:from} Contact
{action:my-email:to} [email protected]
{action:my-email:reply_to} [email protected]
{action:my-email:cc} [email protected]
{action:my-email:bcc} [email protected]
{action:my-email:subject} Subject
{action:my-email:content} Content

Retrieve current post data (where the form is being printed)

{post} 128
{post:ID} 128
{post:post_date} 2020-03-01 20:07:48
{post:post_date_gmt} 2020-03-01 19:07:48
{post:post_content} Content
{post:post_title} Title
{post:post_excerpt} Excerpt
{post:permalink} https://trentimes.com/my-post
{post:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=128&action=edit
{post:post_status} publish
{post:comment_status} closed
{post:ping_status} closed
{post:post_password} password
{post:post_name} name
{post:post_modified} 2020-03-01 20:07:48
{post:post_modified_gmt} 2020-03-01 19:07:48
{post:post_parent} 0
{post:guid} https://trentimes.com/?page_id=128
{post:menu_order} 0
{post:post_type} page
{post:comment_count} 0
{post:filter} raw
{post:post_author} 1
{post:post_author_data:ID} 1
{post:post_author_data:user_login} login
{post:post_author_data:user_pass} password_hash
{post:post_author_data:user_nicename} nicename
{post:post_author_data:user_email} [email protected]
{post:post_author_data:user_url} https://www.website.com
{post:post_author_data:permalink} https://trentimes.com/author/johndoe
{post:post_author_data:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=1
{post:post_author_data:user_registered} 2020-02-22 22:10:02
{post:post_author_data:user_status} 0
{post:post_author_data:display_name} John Doe
{post:post_author_data:nickname} JohnDoe
{post:post_author_data:first_name} John
{post:post_author_data:last_name} Doe
{post:post_author_data:description} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
{post:post_author_data:rich_editing} true
{post:post_author_data:syntax_highlighting} true
{post:post_author_data:comment_shortcuts} false
{post:post_author_data:admin_color} fresh
{post:post_author_data:use_ssl} 1
{post:post_author_data:show_admin_bar_front} true
{post:post_author_data:wp_capabilities} a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}
{post:post_author_data:wp_user_level} 10
{post:post_author_data:show_welcome_panel} 1

Retrieve current term data (where the form is being printed)

{term} 23
{term:ID} 23
{term:term_id} 23
{term:name} Term
{term:slug} term
{term:permalink} https://trentimes.com/taxonomy/term
{term:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/term.php?tag_ID=23
{term:term_group} 0
{term:term_taxonomy_id} 23
{term:taxonomy} taxonomy
{term:description} Content
{term:parent} 0
{term:count} 0
{term:filter} raw

Retrieve currently logged user data

{user} 1
{user:ID} 1
{user:user_login} login
{user:user_pass} password_hash
{user:user_nicename} nicename
{user:user_email} [email protected]
{user:user_url} https://www.website.com
{user:permalink} https://trentimes.com/author/johndoe
{user:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=1
{user:user_registered} 2020-02-22 22:10:02
{user:user_status} 0
{user:display_name} John Doe
{user:nickname} JohnDoe
{user:first_name} John
{user:last_name} Doe
{user:description} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
{user:rich_editing} true
{user:syntax_highlighting} true
{user:comment_shortcuts} false
{user:admin_color} fresh
{user:use_ssl} 1
{user:show_admin_bar_front} true
{user:wp_capabilities} a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}
{user:wp_user_level} 10
{user:show_welcome_panel} 1

Retrieve current post author data (where the form is being printed)

{author} 1
{author:ID} 1
{author:user_login} login
{author:user_pass} password_hash
{author:user_nicename} nicename
{author:user_email} [email protected]
{author:user_url} https://www.website.com
{author:permalink} https://trentimes.com/author/johndoe
{author:admin_url} https://trentimes.com/wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=1
{author:user_registered} 2020-02-22 22:10:02
{author:user_status} 0
{author:display_name} John Doe
{author:nickname} JohnDoe
{author:first_name} John
{author:last_name} Doe
{author:description} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
{author:rich_editing} true
{author:syntax_highlighting} true
{author:comment_shortcuts} false
{author:admin_color} fresh
{author:use_ssl} 1
{author:show_admin_bar_front} true
{author:wp_capabilities} a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}
{author:wp_user_level} 10
{author:show_welcome_panel} 1

(string) The URL slug used to uniquely identify this options page. Defaults to a url friendly version of Menu Title

(string) The title displayed in the wp-admin sidebar. Defaults to Page Title

(string) The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user. Defaults to edit_posts.

Read more about capability here: https://wordpress.org/support/article/roles-and-capabilities/

(int|string) The position in the menu order this menu should appear. Defaults to bottom of utility menu items.

WARNING: if two menu items use the same position attribute, one of the items may be overwritten so that only one item displays!
Risk of conflict can be reduced by using decimal instead of integer values, e.g. '63.3' instead of 63 (must use quotes).

(string) The slug of another WP admin page. if set, this will become a child page.

(string) The icon class for this menu. Defaults to default WordPress gear.

Read more about dashicons here: https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/

(boolean) If set to true, this options page will redirect to the first child page (if a child page exists). If set to false, this parent page will appear alongside any child pages. Defaults to true

(int|string) The '$post_id' to save/load data to/from. Can be set to a numeric post ID (123), or a string ('user_2'). Defaults to 'options'.

(boolean) Whether to load the option (values saved from this options page) when WordPress starts up. Defaults to false.

(string) The update button text.

(string) The message shown above the form on submit.

Post type name. Max. 20 characters, cannot contain capital letters or spaces

A short descriptive summary of the post type

Whether the post type is hierarchical (e.g. page). Allows Parent to be specified. The 'supports' parameter should contain 'page-attributes' to show the parent select box on the editor page.

An alias for calling add_post_type_support() directly. As of 3.5, boolean false can be passed as value instead of an array to prevent default (title and editor) behavior.

  • Add new choice

An array of registered taxonomies like category or post_tag that will be used with this post type. This can be used in lieu of calling register_taxonomy_for_object_type() directly. Custom taxonomies still need to be registered with register_taxonomy()

Controls how the type is visible to authors (show_in_nav_menus, show_ui) and readers (exclude_from_search, publicly_queryable)

Whether queries can be performed on the front end as part of parse_request()

Can this post type be exported

Whether to delete posts of this type when deleting a user. If true, posts of this type belonging to the user will be moved to trash when then user is deleted.

If false, posts of this type belonging to the user will not be trashed or deleted. If not set (the default), posts are trashed if the post type supports author. Otherwise posts are not trashed or deleted

The position in the menu order the post type should appear. show_in_menu must be true

The url to the icon to be used for this menu or the name of the icon from the iconfont (Dashicons)

Whether to generate a default UI for managing this post type in the admin

Where to show the post type in the admin menu. show_ui must be true

If an existing top level page such as 'tools.php' or 'edit.php?post_type=page', the post type will be placed as a sub menu of that page

Whether post_type is available for selection in navigation menus

Where to show the post type in the admin menu. show_ui must be true

ACF Extended: Which template file to load for the archive query. More informations on Template hierarchy


Enables post type archives.

Will use post type name as archive slug by default.

ACF Extended: Number of posts to display in the archive page

ACF Extended: Sort retrieved posts by parameter in the archive page. Defaults to 'date (post_date)'.

ACF Extended: Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter in the archive page. Defaults to 'DESC'.

ACF Extended: Which template file to load for the single query. More informations on Template hierarchy


Triggers the handling of rewrites for this post type. To prevent rewrites, set to false.

Use additional rewrite arguments

Additional arguments

Customize the permalink structure slug. Defaults to the post type name value. Should be translatable.

Should the permalink structure be prepended with the front base. (example: if your permalink structure is /blog/, then your links will be: false->/news/, true->/blog/news/). Defaults to true.

Should a feed permalink structure be built for this post type. Defaults to has_archive value.

Should the permalink structure provide for pagination. Defaults to true.

Customize the permalink structure slug. Defaults to the post type name value. Should be translatable.

Should the permalink structure be prepended with the front base. (example: if your permalink structure is /blog/, then your links will be: false->/news/, true->/blog/news/). Defaults to true.

Should a feed permalink structure be built for this post type. Defaults to has_archive value.

Should the permalink structure provide for pagination. Defaults to true.

ACF Extended: Add an "Archive" Options Page as submenu of the post type.

ACF Extended: Number of posts to display on the admin list screen.

ACF Extended: Sort retrieved posts by parameter in the admin list screen. Defaults to 'date (post_date)'.

ACF Extended: Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter in the admin list screen. Defaults to 'DESC'.

An array of labels for this post type. By default, post labels are used for non-hierarchical post types and page labels for hierarchical ones.

Default: if empty, 'name' is set to value of 'label', and 'singular_name' is set to value of 'name'.

The string to use to build the read, edit, and delete capabilities.
May be passed as an array to allow for alternative plurals when using this argument as a base to construct the capabilities, like this:


An array of the capabilities for this post type. Specify capabilities like this:

publish_posts : publish_posts
edit_post : edit_post
edit_posts : edit_posts
read_post : read_post
delete_post : delete_post

Whether to expose this post type in the REST API. Set this to true for the post type to be available in the block editor

The base slug that this post type will use when accessed using the REST API

An optional custom controller to use instead of WP_REST_Posts_Controller. Must be a subclass of WP_REST_Controller

The name of the taxonomy. Name should only contain lowercase letters and the underscore character, and not be more than 32 characters long (database structure restriction)

Include a description of the taxonomy

Is this taxonomy hierarchical (have descendants) like categories or not hierarchical like tags

Whether a taxonomy is intended for use publicly either via the admin interface or by front-end users

Whether the taxonomy is publicly queryable

A function name that will be called when the count of an associated $object_type, such as post, is updated

Provide a callback function name for the meta box display.

Defaults to the categories meta box for hierarchical taxonomies and the tags meta box for non-hierarchical taxonomies. No meta box is shown if set to false.

Whether this taxonomy should remember the order in which terms are added to objects

Whether to generate a default UI for managing this post type in the admin

Where to show the taxonomy in the admin menu. show_ui must be true

true makes this taxonomy available for selection in navigation menus

Whether to allow the Tag Cloud widget to use this taxonomy

Whether to show the taxonomy in the quick/bulk edit panel

Whether to allow automatic creation of taxonomy columns on associated post-types table

ACF Extended: Which template file to load for the term query. More informations on Template hierarchy


ACF Extended: Number of posts to display on the admin list screen

ACF Extended: Sort retrieved posts by parameter in the admin list screen. Defaults to 'date (post_date)'.

ACF Extended: Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter in the admin list screen. Defaults to 'DESC'.

Set to false to prevent automatic URL rewriting a.k.a. "pretty permalinks". Pass an argument array to override default URL settings for permalinks

Use additional rewrite arguments

Additional arguments

Used as pretty permalink text (i.e. /tag/) - defaults to $taxonomy (taxonomy's name slug)

Allowing permalinks to be prepended with front base

True or false allow hierarchical urls

Used as pretty permalink text (i.e. /tag/) - defaults to $taxonomy (taxonomy's name slug)

Allowing permalinks to be prepended with front base

True or false allow hierarchical urls

ACF Extended: Number of terms to display on the admin list screen

ACF Extended: Sort retrieved terms by parameter in the admin list screen. Accepts term fields 'name', 'slug', 'term_group', 'term_id', 'id', 'description', 'parent', 'count' (for term taxonomy count), or 'none' to omit the ORDER BY clause

ACF Extended: Designates the ascending or descending order of the 'orderby' parameter in the admin list screen. Defaults to 'ASC'.

An array of labels for this taxonomy. By default tag labels are used for non-hierarchical types and category labels for hierarchical ones.

Default: if empty, name is set to label value, and singular_name is set to name value.

An array of the capabilities for this taxonomy:

manage_terms : edit_posts
edit_terms : edit_posts
delete_terms : edit_posts
assign_terms : edit_posts

Whether to include the taxonomy in the REST API. Set this to true for the taxonomy to be available in the block editor

To change the base url of REST API route

REST API Controller class name


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