April 29, 2024 8:51 am



Let’s dive into these hot questions.

1. What took large part of my time in the past 10months ?

Time is precious. Time is money. Time is essential. Its barely few months to wrap up 2021. You might be asking yourself, “why is time flying so fast?”
Its wise to structure your questions in this format, “what productive activities took most of my time?”
Its necessary to account how you spent your time. As you know,time waits for no man.
If the bulk of your time was spent on reading,working or travelling to new places, that’s impressive and commendable. Evaluate how this have being of help to your growth.
For example, if majority of your time was spent on endless chatting on social handles, evaluate how this have being of help to you. If it was not, why not step up and maximise your time productively ? If large part of your time was spent on strategic planning, developing yourself, building your career, your profile,adding value to yourself and trying out new adventures, thumps up, your breaking ground.
Remember,time management is a key to success. Use yours well.

2.What bad habits should I quit before 2021 runs out?
An action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness is your habit. Bad habits are more fatal than we think. Its quite alarming that your habits are a natural part of you. Bad habits have grave consequences; its important to catch them early and extricate it from your life. I suggest, you work on your bad habits before the year runs out . However, bad habits are not overcome overnight. You need to be intentional about this. For example, you can get a journal and write out all your bad habits and also write down the good habits you want to replace them with, then stick to a timeline to achieve this. Luckily,we still have 65 days to end 2021. Get to work!

3. How did I manage my finance so far? Its advisable and paramount to ask yourself these question
Am I a spend thrift or am I frugal with my money? Regular checking up on your financial position is an excellent practice to imbibe. Its no secret that people who manage their finances and channel it to productive goals or investment would eventually reap hugely. In your reflection of your financial position, review your innate belief about money, then Identify your financial habits and weakness. Channel your finances to valuables goals. Its never too late to redjust.

4.Have I smashed all my to-do-list for 2021?
Before we jumped into 2021 like soldiers, I am pretty sure you had a brief Idea of which direction you wanted your life to go? You created to-do-list for 2021. Set out goals to smash. Its necessary to ask yourself this questions Have I smashed my goals? If yes? Super congratulations! If no? Try to identify your challenges so far, your mistakes, failures and good and bad experiences. Let it be a driving force to fire you up to navigate to the perfect direction to accomplish your goals and dreams. Remember, the world has no place for shy people. Take responsibility of your life. Play the game of life well.

Till I write again, know that I have your interest at heart and I really want you to grow.

Written by:
Jacy Writes.

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